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We decided to divide our research into two phases – a primary research phase where we understood the context of the problem, conducted initial stakeholder interviews, explored the service repair lifecycle and audited existing solutions.

This was followed by a secondary research phase where we conducted three in-depth contextual inquiries, six user interviews, and then synthesized all of this data into an affinity map that helped us build personas, empathy maps, journey maps, and design ideas.

Design Process Overview

​Inspired by primary and secondary research insights, the SCADpro team dove into the ideation process. The group adopted the 'Fire, Ready... Aim' method, allowing creative freedom to generate a substantial amount of ideas in a competitive time frame. The team carefully studied and considered each idea and narrowed it down after each iteration to reach more refined concepts. At the midpoint check-in with Snap-on, the group presented twenty-seven refined design concepts. Inspired by the feedback from the client, the designers continued to advance their designs. 

Ideation + Sketches

3D Printing + Usability Testing

​Following the design improvements from the midterm, the SCADpro team proceeded into modeling various iterations for each tool on CAD. Guided by Bacho's design principles, every tool design underwent two usability testing rounds with professional mechanics and cyclists. After usability testing, the designers completed two more CAD modeling rounds to enhance ergonomics, functionality, and aesthetics. 

Final Models

Lastly, followed by countless rounds of ideation, 3D modeling, and usability testing, the SCADpro team selected the final tool models and printed them on the Stratasys J850 poly jet printer. The team presented the finished tools to the client during the final presentation at the end of the SCADpro x Snap-on partnership.

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