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Research Goals

  • Scope down and inform primary interview questions  

  • Understand our target user: mechanics

  • Answer technical tool questions

  • Validate design hypotheses

  • Identify/validate tool process and pain points

  • Environmental analysis for ergonomics and tool design

  • Discover design pains/gains and opportunities


  • Secondary Research

    • Literature review

    • Quick google research 

    • Popular media scan

    • Buzz reports

  • Primary Research

    • 5 In- depth 1:1 interviews/observations

    • Survey

Research Overview

The research process had two phases, primary and secondary research.

In the primary research phase, the team built empathy with the primary user via stakeholder interviews, service repair lifecycle observation, and audited existing solutions.

During the secondary research phase, the team conducted three in-depth contextual inquiries and six user interviews. Later, a round of research synthesis and affinitization guided the development of affinity maps, personas, empathy maps, journey maps, and design ideas.



(Number of Interviews & Research Methods)

(Number of Datapoints & Research Methods)


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